Concept Design : Props : swords, guns (Thor Ragnarok)

Thors' Sakaarian arena sword, the final asset was build by Weta Workshop.

Thors' arena shield and mace designs

Sakaar rifles as on set - cool to see them in shot.

Sakaarian rifle - heavily influenced by Jack Kirby illustration.

Background Sakaarian prop masks .

Hulk arena Sakaarian weapons.

Sakaar obedience disk launcher.

Grand Masters' control remote.

Sakaar - shield variants/roughs.

Sakar - rejected Hulk arena weapon.

Sakaar- Jack Kirby inspired shoulder cannon.

Sakaar - scrapper weapon.

Hellas' blade design and dimensions.

Sutuur Sword final illustration.

Sword design, which I then sculpted up in ZBrush

Sakaar scrapper gun variation.

One of the many Sakaar gladiator weapons (scrap based).
Concept Design : Props : swords, guns (Thor Ragnarok)
Props concept design for Thor Ragnarok -