Shang-Chi : Concept Illustration : Environment
Archery grove illustration.

Archery grove illustration.

Golden Dagger Nightclub, above the arena view.

Golden Dagger Nightclub, above the arena view.

Fishing  boat art-dir/concept paint over for set dec.

Fishing boat art-dir/concept paint over for set dec.

Environment concept illustration for Shang-Chi,
Originally hired as a 3Dmodeller/concept modeller for the on set production art department, I was fortunate to work on some additional environment concept illustrations for the project
Bamboo archery grove. The original idea was for a denser forested bamboo area for the archery practice with multiple (sometimes moving ) targets. This was one of the last things I did on the production before it was (temporarily) shut down due to Covid.
Golden Dagger nightclub scene was a paint over form some cad data to help vfx with the lighting and set extension, looking out towards Macau city.