Shang-Chi : Concept Illustration/Modelling : Props/Weapons

Final Crossbow (Net caster).

Prop in context - with vfx by RSP

SUV CANNON: rejected concept.

Possible mounting on vehicle.

Vfx concept patterns for electric nets.

Rejected SUV cannon alternate.

Rejected SUV cannon alternate.

Rejected SUV cannon alternate.

Rejected SUV cannon alternate.

Rejected SUV cannon alternate.

Shang - Chi Saddle concept illustration

Front pommel of the saddle

Back pommel (One never saw this because of his cloak - ha!)

ZBrush break up of elements for 3D print.

Xia-ling dart concept model for 3D print.

Xia-Ling alternate dart for 3D print (Original 2D concept by Dane Hallet)
Shang-Chi : Concept Illustration/Modelling : Props/Weapons
Various props for Shang - Chi, modelling and design, unless otherwise credited.